Information Diet: Living by Example (Synthesizing)
One of the things I wrote about on my Information Diet blog post was how we as educators act like parents being responsible for our children's nutrition. In the same way, we ought to set a good example for our students in modelling how we manage our use of information. The responses I gathered can be summarized into three points: Less is more, Technology is the New fast food and Living by example. Less is more: When we use any websites or apps, our information is collected. It could be our email, phone number, zipcode, facebook account or other info. The more information we give away by downloading and using apps, the more we are being targeted for advertisement based on our data. The more time we spend on social media, the more information they know about us. Self-regulation is the key. Just like any form of diet, we need to use apps and information in moderation. Technology is the new fast food: It is a quick fix for entertainment, easy way of getting in touch with friends, o...