My Take on Teachers Are Designers

Viewing teaching as a design means having a paradigm shift. Instead of looking at teachers as implementors of curriculum, we have to see ourselves as innovators of the learning process. This article defines design thinking as a strategic approach to analyzing and finding solutions to messy real-world problems.

Designing involves different phases and stages which involves variable processes. The stages include empathizing, defining the problem, brainstorming, prototyping and testing. It is so much like the scientific method. The only difference is that instead of simple isolated science problems, we as teachers have to design a solution to real life situations and problems.

I believe for a teacher to become a good designer one has to learn how to become a visionary, has to have enough courage to do something different, realistic and practical enough to come up with a relevant effective design. And humble enough to start over if the the design needs to be revamped.


  1. I like the comparison between the scientific method in relation to design. The most important part is testing, figuring out if it worked, and making adaptations if it didn't.

  2. You are spot on with you observation that we need to move from implementing to innovating; from being a "doer" to being a "designer." We teacher can design experiences for our students to prepare them for real life.

  3. Thinking like a designer is uncomfortable, but I believe it will make us better educators for our learners. I like how you talk about courage to do something different.

  4. I definitely agree with the about being humble and being willing to re-work a design. There is no way to tell how the students will react or if you are using the best tools but with trial and error you will only improve you lessons.


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